Diplomas and licenses Certified Internal Auditor Financial Excellence Kinnisvaratehingute maksustamine Korteriühistu tegevus Eluruum ettevõttes Risk in Focus 2025: Cybersecurity Vanemraamatupidaja, tase 6 Ülevaade Riigikohtu tsiviilkolleegiumi 2023a kohtulahendite olulisematest seisukohtadest Auditi planeerimine teenusedisaini tööriistade abil Korruptsiooni ennetamise mehhanismid ja ohuolukordade tuvastamine siseaudiitoritele Käibemaksude muudatused 2025a Tunnustatud turvaline partner alates 17.08.2023 Strongest in Estonia Fast growing company Member of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Äripäev Sisekontrolli Aastakonverents 2023 License from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Estonia Trademark Tallinn University of Technology Diploma Diploma from the Sillamäe Institute of Economics and Management VAT changes Changes in the employment register Money laundering risk model development practicum Internal auditor of the quality management system Management checks Risk management The Diploma in Internal Audit The Diploma in Internal Audit (Level 2) Basic training in internal auditing Internal auditor in the vortex of innovation Business ethics Accounting and taxation Certified internal auditor Internal audit. "Professional Internal Auditor" Accountant development and competence building Modification and termination of the employment contract Overview of the most important positions of the 2022 court decisions of the Supreme Court's civil collegium